these luaus are all time. perhaps eventually they'll end up a campfire with 2 or 4 or 7 or just one miscreant face planted 'round a campfire not thinking about something that isn't very important. you know... like , well i don't know, just come to the luau and figure it out under the shade of the pepper tree!!! every year i feel so stoked in the spring to be able to pull the trigger on this rig for late june. my boy chef is a master pigsmith. without him, perhaps to some ... it'd less of something worth doing. anyway, thank you all that come to make it the cultural experience it is.
Luau 8 was incredible. SO HYPED!!!! click here to see photos from the event.
luau 7 was a BLAST !!!! click here to see photos from the event.
LUAU 6!!!!!!
well, here we go. stoked to be able to pull another one. what a year it's been!! (we have new member to the family arriving by the time this goes down.) i'm so grateful for the support from my wife for this stuff. i truly appreciate all the support and camaraderie from all the participants. so stoked on the friendships and memories that develop here.
details: we have a campsite near trail 5 up on the bluffs. the pig is served near mid-day Saturday June 24.
this year we're going to hold this "miscreant melee" of sorts on Saturday from 6-10 a.m. down on the beach. the structure for this miscreant melee is as follows. show up with your board and a white (or light colored) shirt at 6 am (or as close to it as possible). we'll paint a letter (or two) on your shirt (I'll have a can of spray paint). some of us go out and surf for an hour, the crew that doesn't surf watches. then we switch places for an hour. we cycle through this twice. two groups , surf two one hour sessions. collectively 3 categorical champions are decided on.
category 1) trim
category 2) turn
category 3) nose ride
--- the champion of each category earns a jug of suds. said champion shows up next year with a full jug thus keeping the event alive. we're back up under the shade of the pepper tree talking about _______ by 10:30 a.m. hungry for tacos!!!! simple.
this thing doesn't have the pomp of a handwritten (with a paint brush) exclusive "invitation" list. nope, we're not that cool. just participants participating in fun stuff. hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this year's event was fantastic. the surf was giant. i walked my davenport miscreant down to surf saturday morning. when i thought about the melee i wasn't picturing GIANT CLOSEOUTS. although i saw a few champions do slightly more than get smashed trying to paddle out or drop in straight... i decided to pass. it was apparent i would have paddle out for some ego reason. it did not look like an enjoyable time. exciting yes, enjoyable... i don't know.
this year's event was fantastic. the surf was giant. i walked my davenport miscreant down to surf saturday morning. when i thought about the melee i wasn't picturing GIANT CLOSEOUTS. although i saw a few champions do slightly more than get smashed trying to paddle out or drop in straight... i decided to pass. it was apparent i would have paddle out for some ego reason. it did not look like an enjoyable time. exciting yes, enjoyable... i don't know.
below is the flier for the 5th annual luau. click here to see pics from the event!!!
click here to see pics of the 4th annual luau.
The Surfer's Journal published a little piece regarding these luau's. It can be found in V22.4
click here to see pics of the 3rd annual luau.
2013 luau was ALL TIME! every year these gatherings get more and more RAD. the site had a grip of shade, and easy parking. bathrooms are close. we were just north of trail 6. we roasted a pig again this year. it was ready by noon on the 29th of June. the pig was cooked over the fire pit up on the bluffs. many of the boards were in the shade of the trees on the bluffs too (when they aren't in the water). i was so stoked to see some home made pigs, and some pigs made by the masters!!! it's a humbling experience to see pig enthusiast from all around the globe come together for a weekend of celebrating life. thank you to all who make it so RAD!
October 6th and 7th 2012 Del Mar Fairgrounds. The Surf Board Show. Surf A Pig had a booth. Thank you for those of you that stopped by and said hello! There was a grip of boards to fondle and discuss!!!!
2012's luau was a great success! Click here to see some photos and commentary!

below is the flyer for 2011.

it was a blast! click here to see some pics from the event!!
Aw dude, 1st thing I thought of was I could probably get a last minute cheap flight over....
ReplyDeleteSounds like epic crack, hopefully il make it for next years:)
ReplyDeleteI will certainly have my new pig by then, so (if I can even come down)I will show up with both of my pigs!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a rip snorter of a day
ReplyDeleteassuming the knee is healed I am in, bringing pizza and the OG Weber Pig
ReplyDeleteAs the official Australia Surf a Pig correspondent I will 100% be making this event. I will be also surfing my new Flex Pig you can bet on that. Can't wait buddy boy.
ReplyDeleteNow THAT is what I am talking about. Cheers buddy boy!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a blast. Gonna try any make it down from Seattle. :)
ReplyDeleteGonna miss tomorrow's roast, but I'll be thinking about youses. Looking forward to some pics here too...
I'd like to go to this years !!
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of the annual Pig Roast in Santa Cruz by the Dirt Farm. I would love to show up with my pig
ReplyDeletesurfaholic and meleea,
ReplyDeleteshow up if you can!!! it's going to be great!!!