daniel from Argentina sent this to me via surfapig@live.com i have no info on this board. It looks a lot like the surfboards australia I picked up at the cooperfish calendar auction. I have yet to shredd that board, but look forward to it in the near future. anyone know anything. the board looks rad daniel. i'd give it a go with the fin you have and try to make or get a D fin for it. you might have to replace the box. YOU ARE STOKED to get that as a gift. Thank you for the contribution!
"HI there ! My name is Daniel and I am from Argentina. First of all congrats on your blog, it is really amazing !!! I really love the pigs and the traditional surfing feels like. A couple of days ago, a friend of mine showed me an old board, it was a bilbo he bought 40 years ago. To me surprise, he gave it to me as a gift !!! It is not in mint condition, but I will try to restore it. However I am not familiar at all with this kind of construction. I do not know if it is made of PU, EPS, or what, with Poly or Epoxi, or if it is a hollow board ( in fact it sound like a hollow surfboard ). I would really appreciate if you could give me some info, especially re the construction ( I am attaching some pictures ) In spite if it is not a Pig, I promise to send some pictures, but in a better condition. Regards, Daniel"