donald brink sent me this via Never have i had the pleasure of meeting you sir. However I follow your blog, and find similar stoke on any given day that is clearly not shared by every one like you and I. Thanks for your thoughts, effort and shared information, on a beautiful platform. So here is the quick scoop. I love the PIG but being somewhat of a little fellow, and enjoying the feeling of extremely small boards too. I thought there must be room in the van for a little pig. nature calls this PIGLET, and so i follow suit.
Same classic pig concepts. Wide tail pulled in nose, flat rocker soft pinched 50/50 rails. D fin on the tail. Same thoughts, just a little shrunken all around. I built two of them, and although a humble test pilot myself, i think there might be a future in these thoughts. Thought i'd share the pics and give you a glimpse of what I've been doing, and if you have any interest or could find the time. I'd be happy to have you ride a Piglet too. Let me know what you think. Im in San Clemente. Call or mail at your leisure. Thanks for your work and stoke, hope to share some thoughts.

stuff like this humbles me. these boards look interesting. my eye is drawn to the fin. NICE!!!