Friday, May 28, 2010


all this information lately! you'd think this blog is legit. here is a little carat of narcissism to bring things back on keel.

the are some of the surf clips from INVASION! from planet C


  1. What's this about being barred from GC? Does that mean you've come to join my on my never ending quest of Andreinicide (the systematic eradication of all boards which are not Andreini's)?

  2. Highly Doubt that Gnar is Barred from GC. Diversifing your quiver is more like it. There comes a time in a young man's life when he needs to let other master craftsmen into his life.

    The planet needs you buddy boy.

  3. HA! HA! i might be!

    seriously, how can marc andreini exist, me know him, and me not get a pig from him?

  4. cheers cassanova.

    those nose rides in this clip of yours are all time! so stoked we made this project.
