Tuesday, November 18, 2014

good friends, epic waves... and great plastic!

my boy ricky muniz took the photos. not only is ricky a mean shredder, amazing (start to finish) board builder, and fantastic human...he is also a lens-smith. bravo! below are a few of the highlights. just doing what we do, when we do it.
channeling my inner "casanova pelvic tip jib!!"
can't quite tell if i'm trying to stall, or cut back or just flaunt my supremely cultivated IPA gut.
when the photos were taken, i had been gunnin this board / wetsuit combo for 45 months. that's 3 years 9 months for the unit conversion challenged. in other words, my BING FERAL PIG and my ZAP! wetsuit have been giving me love for a LONG time. i trip on it. i am so grateful for the quality products I have received from my good friends at ZAP! and BING over the years. they have DIRECTLY contributed to my pleasure in life. and that brings balance to the rest of my life. i am in debt. i don't know any person that sports the same wetsuit and board for that long, and have their products in the condition mine are in. i never put my board in a bag. i rarely rinse my suite.
little trim.

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