Wednesday, August 31, 2011

casanova checks in from oz!

casanova sent me this via Gnar- Well Uncle Blork would of been proud of this Lithium Knee Spinner. A day spent at my secret local point (the Super Bank) poaching waves with a few of my buddies. The Stoke will be running full and Plentiful for this day forward. This Cooperfish Flex Pig is crazy. I may done got me a few of them toes over with a head cock swosh buckle cutback on her as well. Sick!!!! Buddy Boy Casanova

well, that set up looks super clean!!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

a mollusk , some pigs, a little beef, and a hop

mollusk surf shop venice. call them and buy one of these boards. 310.396.1969.
oh... how i love this shop.
hilbers is knocking it out of the park here. $900!!

brian hand crafted the fin.
this one here fucked me up. johnny brought it down, and my head spun. jim phillips made this sucker. if i had the $$$ in my pocket, this chambered, master crafted piece would have been mine!

father's office. burger and a Pliny. done.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

a bit of a hodgepodge.

matt and margaret are going to be at icons of surf sunday. check it out!!!!!
in other parts of the planet...bobby brown was a magnificent shredder. what has happened to surfing?
the clean shit!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

the BING FERAL PIG!!!!!!

This BING pig surfboard is a design Matt Calvani and I (Mike Black) collaborated on.

The historical significance of BING surfboards and pigs makes this collaboration a dream come true. It is with great pride and honor that I bring my years of exclusive pig riding knowledge to Matt's years of quality craftsmanship.

The Feral Pig comes with a 2" balsa stringer, and a traditional glass on BING D fin.

the bing feral pig fin template!

check the video!
since the time of this video, i have received these photos of the board in progress...below the board is glassed, hotcoated and sanded...just waiting on pinlines!
the eyes of the bing feral pig!
feral pig gets a blue fin!
pin lines added!!!!!!

the finished product!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

proper surfing.

early topanga via firstpoint.

mr. edwards. period.
thank you rob for having this on your blog!

sneak peek.

what happens when you collaborate with a professional, quality oriented, American company, rich in surfing tradition, capable of producing and shipping the best pigs available around the world in a timely manner?
...THIS HAPPENS!!!!!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

kids go pig!!

i saw this on ZAP! ...i had to post it here!!!
it reminded me of this gem from mr. E.
i can't wait for my daughter to get her first pig!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

friends and surf...NICE!!!!

surfed fun waves with a grip of friends...can't beat it.
almost walked into this guy on the way down. thanks jason for pointing him out!
it was a fun day. it was great to have it be a light croud day, yet have most of them be friends. jason, phil, tom (the the wave of the day!), tim, greg, michael, steve, his wife kaitlyn, and the ambassador of stoke.. STERLING... EPIC!!
thank you tom for saving my neck!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

its been a fun august so far.

i am not sick of this!
dallas sweeping off the bottom!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

bobby and chris and another great day!

i love surfing good waves with friends. bobby and chris make me feel like a weak sissy. they walked a loooonnnnggg way to surf with me. In fact I don't think I have the moral fiber... nay... the gumption. i mean these men walked miles to surf sliders. Shouldn't I be walking miles to slide with these men? fuck it! either way you skin it... we fucking scored!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

...another great day with a buddy!!!!!

scored some clean ones today with my buddy andrew.
pigs in the bush.
a 3 pic sequence of a little insider. i love these guys.

some pelicans.
bay wave.
best seat in the house!
andrew stretching out his back, digging the flag.
how's this rig?
thank you for another great day sliders!