Sunday, October 7, 2012

surfboard show brah!!!!

well...we dun did it! so stoked to catch up with the good people, and stoked to meet more! it was intense, insane, whacky, calm, satirical, and enlightening.

lance carson , in the morning taking photos of his boards in his booth.
brian hilbers pontificating.
wayne rich, preaching!
the bing family island!
below: the master. ...on that note: i am so humbled by matt "magic hands 'the phoenix'" calvani and Margaret (the shot caller)'s value in my existence. many times, i feel as if i'm a busted up ole ho-dad.  i mean, career, surfing... but got dang! they got their shit going on over there! tradition , innovation, honor, craftsmanship, and integrity! thank you for the inspiration! 
for all it's worth, this show forced people to see surfboards can be built by hand. that is where they are from.......... crazy times we live in! 

1 comment:

  1. Best of times to catch up with old friends and make new ones. The stoke was definately present with the crowd. Worth the day to hang with others who appreciate those behind the surf industry! Aloha
