Justin sent me this via surfapig@live.com: Probably the nicest Dewey Weber I ever seen. NICE!!!
"What up Mike, Its Justin from NY, Gene and Chris friend, we met over thanksgiving while my lady and I were out there. Sorry we didnt get to surf together it would have been a hoot. I ended up surfing a bunch up in Santa Barbara on the Vee Bottom Gene lent me and than alot of drunken C Street debauchery as it got smaller. Ended breaking my coxcis surfing that cobblestone break the day we met you, took the vee hull square pin gun to the bum, ouch. Anyway you sounded all stoked on my original Weber, I think its from 1963, I bought it off the original owner in 1989 and this is the board both my brother and I learned to surf on. I had the boys at Nature Shapes Surfboards recently fix it up so I could ride it again, its fun as hell fast as lightning and pearls at will. Hope you enjoy the picks. I may have to send this as multiple emails the fotos are to big, fuck me bullshit."

That day Justin mentions was GNARLY. Vail was out there on a 10'7" C2 gun owning it.
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