Friday, March 18, 2016

LUAU 6 !!!!!!!!!!!

well, here we go. stoked to be able to pull another one. what a year it's been!! (we have new member to the family arriving by the time this goes down.) i'm so grateful for the support from my wife for this stuff. i truly appreciate all the support and camaraderie from all the participants. so stoked on the friendships and memories that develop here.  

details: we have a campsite near trail 5 up on the bluffs. the pig is served near mid-day Saturday June 24. 

this year we're going to hold this "miscreant melee" of sorts on Saturday from 6-10 a.m. down on the beach. the structure for this miscreant melee is as follows. show up with your board and a white (or light colored) shirt at 6 am (or as close to it as possible). we'll paint a letter (or two) on your shirt (I'll have a can of spray paint). some of us go out and surf for an hour, the crew that doesn't surf watches. then we switch places for an hour. we cycle through this twice. two groups , surf two one hour sessions. collectively 3 categorical champions are decided on. 

category 1) trim  

category 2) turn  

category 3) nose ride   

--- the champion of each category earns a jug of suds. said champion shows up next year with a full jug thus keeping the event alive. we're back up under the shade of the pepper tree talking about _______ by 10:30 a.m. hungry for tacos!!!! simple. 

this thing doesn't have the pomp of a handwritten (with a paint brush) exclusive "invitation" list. nope, we're not that cool. just participants participating in fun stuff. hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

knuckle draggin sasquatch

thank you greg pearson for the photo!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

early march

this morning was mental.