Wednesday, November 28, 2012

few pigs, falling into winter...

patrick sent me this via surfapig@live.comMike, It's Patrick (Capitola Dewey Weber Pig - 9/5/2009 post).  Hope you are doing well.  I stumbled across a roll of film my dad took of me surfing the Weber pig two winters ago south of Santa Cruz and wanted to share a couple photos.  Because of school I haven't been able to check the blog that often, but when I do it's a joy to learn about other people's experiences with the pig shape.
Hope you had a nice holiday, Patrick

andy sent me this the other day via surfapig@live.comWhat up Mike!? So I thought of you first when I picked this up the other day.  I picked it up off a fellow board builder here in Redondo.  He gave me a bit of info on it. Says his shop thinks it to be around 58' 59' because of the logo. There's one little section of delam on the stringer that should be an easy fix.  Also he already did some nose patching and tail patching.  The thing is solid, but it's ugly as sin.  Thinking I'm going to grind it down some and reglass it , keeping the logo in tact and also adding an inch bead of glass around that Fin. Some hodaddy drilled a hole in the fin somewhere down the line.  Anyway figured I'd send it off to you to see if any other piggers out there have any info on it and these old logos.   It's pretty identical to my "modern" Terry Martin Pig, but I know he didn't start with Hobie until the early - mid 60s?  Take care Mike! Andy

i was hoping john cherry or someone else might have some idea about this board. if anyone has any information about this board , please pass it my way! i'll get it to andy...cheers!! buddy Robby turned me onto the below christmas sweater:
i need it.

thanks patrick and andy for the contributions!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

green pig

bruce outa queensland Australia sent me this via Hi Mike, I have been following your blog regularly since I read the Slide magazine article last year and can't get enough of it.  I have been really eager to get a heavy board with a D fin for a while now and Surf a Pig was the perfect tool to figure out the dimensions and all the rest with my local shaper/ glasser/ surf shop, Darren at the Surfboard Shed in Bundaberg. Here are some pics of what we came up with, it is 9'6 x 23' 1/2 x 3' 1/4. It has double 6 oz glass top and bottom in green resin tint and a glassed on true ames D fin. The wide point is well behind centre and it goes great. Very Happy! Thanks again for the blog and keep up the great work. Bruce, Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia

cheers Bruce!!!! looks unreal!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

omega hodge podge.

thinking cap on, getn rithmatics up! blasting a drawing of an aphid egg lay down my boy k.e. send me from texas. full spiral style!
chalk on chalk board, the shadows are moisture on the chalk board.
a human i met at the gas station... then introduced himself as JK and later came over to the lab and hung out and now i would consider a friend, had the following to say and show:

and below we have Sire. He is doing his best to be a greaser hipster.

below is an experience that will set you straight.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

going left!

i have a man crush on my boy dan. he is humbler than i, and shreds harder than i. not to mention... he sent me these pics of his recent exploits. good on ya mate!!!